Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Last Week Post 3

· Pick one other concept in the book that you feel needs further discussion? (You can choose from ANY chapter in the book).

I think that table 9.1 in chapter 9 would be interesting to take a deeper look at. I especially liked the break down of attitudes into their three dimensions. I would have never thought about attitudes playing three distinct roles and they are: Cognitive dimension, affective dimension, and behavioral dimension. Cognitive is what someone knows about a topic. Affective is how someone feels about a topic, and behavioral is what an individual tends to do about a topic.

These three dimensions are of vital importance when a speaker is trying to persuade an audience. A speaker truly needs to know their audience too, because the dimensions will constantly change just as the audience will change.

Last Week Post 2

What concept/s in this class have you found most interesting? What was it about that concept/s that you found interesting?

There were so many chapters in this book that I really enjoyed reading and learning from. One of the chapters that I enjoyed overall was chapter 11. I liked reading about on pg 306 about Cultivation theory. Cultivation theory to summarize is taking a televisions perception of the world as being accurate to the way the world really is. I stopped after I read this and asked myself do I fall into the cultivation trap? I the answer is yes I do.

I am a hopeless romantic and anytime there is a new chick flick coming to the theatres such as the Holiday or the Notebook I have to go see it. When I watch these romantic comedies I am taken into a make believe world where every story has a happy ending and the girl will always end up with the man of her dreams. I know that I tend to think this way. I want everyday in my fiance's relationship and mine to be happy. I don't want to fight and I definitely don't want to ever admit that I'm wrong. I also have high expectations where I want him to take me to do nice things and for him to buy me nice things. I know it is not all wrong to want these things but to expect them isn't realistic and it isn't fair. The cultivation theory was proven true in my life.

Last Week

· (Regarding Chapter 13) Which of the research methods listed in Table 13.3 seem the most interesting? Assume you want to study some aspect of deception. Frame a research question. Which method would you choose to answer the question. Why?

I was completely fascinated by the ethnography study in table 13.3. I myself being one of five children have always been very nosey. I am second in line and the first four children are girls. We always know everything about everyone. We are our own little gossip circle. Well anyways, I have always loved people watching and eavesdropping.

There are times when I will just got to food court at Oak ridge mall and just observe people. It is fascinated the way people interact naturally when they don't realize people are watching them. My favorite time to people watch is when I am in culture other then my own.

This last summer I had the opportunity to study in London. It was the best experience of my life truly I loved every second I was there. My favorite thing to do while I was there is I would grab a book and hop on the tube to Covent Garden. There was a little cafe that had the best chocolate muffins and so I would order that and a latte and just read. I would read and also watch people. I would see some of the same people every week. One old lady would always stand outside the cafe trying to sell roses. It was fun to observe people and see similar faces because it made me feel like I knew them. I would love to be part of ethnography study. Especially if I was getting paid because then I would be getting paid for something I already enjoy doing.