Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Last Week Post 2

What concept/s in this class have you found most interesting? What was it about that concept/s that you found interesting?

There were so many chapters in this book that I really enjoyed reading and learning from. One of the chapters that I enjoyed overall was chapter 11. I liked reading about on pg 306 about Cultivation theory. Cultivation theory to summarize is taking a televisions perception of the world as being accurate to the way the world really is. I stopped after I read this and asked myself do I fall into the cultivation trap? I the answer is yes I do.

I am a hopeless romantic and anytime there is a new chick flick coming to the theatres such as the Holiday or the Notebook I have to go see it. When I watch these romantic comedies I am taken into a make believe world where every story has a happy ending and the girl will always end up with the man of her dreams. I know that I tend to think this way. I want everyday in my fiance's relationship and mine to be happy. I don't want to fight and I definitely don't want to ever admit that I'm wrong. I also have high expectations where I want him to take me to do nice things and for him to buy me nice things. I know it is not all wrong to want these things but to expect them isn't realistic and it isn't fair. The cultivation theory was proven true in my life.

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