Saturday, November 15, 2008

What I found interesting from Chp 8

I really enjoyed reading chapter eight because it talks all about successful and non successful ways to work in groups. Today I had a four hour staff meeting for my church organization. I am a volunteer in my church's junior high group and once a year we have big planning meetings to put our heads together and collaborate on what is working and what isn't. We use our interdependence to unite us and focus our attention on the topics for the day. I really like being a volunteer for my church because there is very little bureaucracy, for the most part everyone's voice holds equal weight. We do have one person above us and she is the junior high director, but she works so well with the staff we never feel like she has become a dictator. I felt that the staff meeting today was very successful and all in all the junior high organization is moving in a positive direction for we all feel two heads are better then one.


Reese said...

Professor Perez the time for this blog is wrong. It should shay 11:54 pm not 11:41 pm I forgot to manually change the time so it autos aved at 11:41pm. I hope you won't dock me points. Thanks

TheBloggingProf said...

No worries! It's just a few minutes off anyway. :) You were not docked points.