Friday, October 10, 2008

Week 7 Post 2

After reading chapter five I have learned that there are many characteristics of nonverbal communication. There is also a code that should be followed when speaking nonverbally.

It is important to understand that not all-nonverbal communication is intentional. I watched a movie called "Family Stone," and there is a scene in this film that is the perfect example of UN intentional and misinterpreted communication. A family and one guest are playing charades. The guest's name is Meredith and is played by Sarah Jessica Parker. It is her turn and the clue she has to perform is "the bride wore black." She is trying to cherade it out when one of the family members named Patrick got close to the right answer. She pointed at Patrick t signifies he was on the right track. Unfortunately the mean younger sister Amy played by Rachael Mc Adams chose to see that, as Meredith was being a racist because Patrick the guy she was pointing at is black. She wasn't pointing at him intentionally but just to signify to keep guessing because they were on the right track. This misunderstanding caused a lot of tension and an argument to break loose.

It is very important that our words and our nonverbal words are clear so that way the intent of what we are saying is understood.

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