Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mark Moore

The first name that comes to my mind as an outstanding public speaker is Mark Moore. Mark is a pastor and professor at Ozark Christian College. I had the honor of hearing him speak several summers in a row, while I was attending a Christ in Youth Conference. 
Mark spoke using a mixture of all three of Aristotle's elements: ethos, pathos, and logos. He mostly focused on pathos which is the ability to arouse emotion. Many people loved listening to him speak because he was so passionate about what he was talking about. Also he a was extremely honest. Mark's purpose of speaking at the CIY conference was to share the love of Jesus Christ with teenagers, and to show them that they had the choice of  living a life with a greater purpose. The greater purpose he was talking about was to live your life for God and not for yourself. 
He was very persuasive because he had great style and delivery. I would categorize his style as being a mixture of middle style and vigorous style.  He knew so much about God and was able to make philosophical distinctions as well as evoke emotion. 
If I were to categorize myself as a public speaker, I would say I definitely use ethos and pathos in my delivery. I am most persuasive when I share things that matter to me, such as my faith. I try not to be pushy or arrogant, rather I want to be open and compassionate. Words explain a lot, but a listening ear says more when trying to persuade or convince someone that what you are saying is truth. 

1 comment:

Lee Conn said...

I enjoyed reading your entry about Mark Moore. This man sounds like a very inspiring human being. I also enjoy listening to a speaker who is you know is very honest and knowledgeable. He sounds like someone who could really change your beliefs and encourage you to be something greater. He definitely uses pathos when he speaks by the way you have described him.