Wednesday, August 27, 2008


My name is Reese and I am a theatre major at SJSU, with a minor in Communication Studies. I really didn't know what I wanted to minor in at first. It wasn't until I took public speaking my freshmen year of college that I realized I really enjoy Comm Studies and decided to pursue it as my minor. My theory about Communication is that it can help you in any field you choose to pursue. It is very important to not only express yourself well on paper, but also in person. As an actress I can use Communication Skills to be a well rounded performer. 
I have only taken one other Comm class at SJSU, because I am a transfer student. The class I took was called Comm 157 and the emphasis of the class was based on community service. I really enjoyed this course, it allowed me to give back to my community. This class also was a great jump start for this course because it taught me a lot about cultural differences. I was a tutor at an elementary school that was 90% hispanic and for most of the students english was their second language. Working in an environment very different to my own taught me so much about life and how to interact with different groups of people. 
I am very excited to get to further my knowledge about different cultures by taking this Comm 105 class. I hope you all are having a good first week of school!


Cherry said...

Hi Reece,
Welcome to the class:)

Snookie said...

Hello Reece,

I like your blog it is creative. Welcome to the class!

Steph_annie said...

Hi Reece!

Welcome to the class! I think that's awseome that you're a theater major! You should look into taking the performance studies comm class with Prof. Spangler. You get to do lots of acting and performances :o) Good luck this semester!

TheBloggingProf said...

Welcome to the class. I look forward to your blogs this week.