Saturday, October 4, 2008

Week 6 Post 3

I really enjoyed chapters three and four because it talked all about listening and language. I know personally that I am trying to become a better listener. As a typical female I enjoy to run my mouth which isn't always the best thing. I appreciate people who can just respectively listen. I am too impatient sometimes and want to just talk. These chapters taught me a lot about what it takes to use language effectively and also listen correctly.

I never really thought there was a wrong way to listen but there is. When someone listens but is actually thinking about the next thing they are going to say whether it has to do with the subject or not, this is not listening effectively. Just because your mouth is closed doesn't mean your ears are open.

My fiance is a wonderful listener and I often take it for granted. Every since we got engaged I have been trying to become a hands on listener and show him that I really respect him and care about what he is talking about. It is funny how so many people want to talk their heads off but rarely want to listen. We need to be able to do both well to be good communicators.

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