Friday, September 5, 2008

blog #2

There were many things that stood out in chapter one as interesting. What I particularly enjoyed were the different approaches to communication. There are four different approaches and each deal with communication in a different way. The four approaches are: classical, psychological/epistemological, belletristic, and elocutionary. Classical mainly deals with classical rhetoricians and adapting them to a modern time. (Trenholm, 10). Psychological is looking at communication in a scientific way and the one that I was most interested in was the belletristic approach.
The belletristic approach is all about looking at the arts, and drama, and poetry and developing criteria to judge it. The reason this concept is so appealing to me is because I am an actress. One of my roles as a performer is to go and see other performances and to write a critique on what I saw. In a way I have been using the belletristic approach to communication most of my adult life, I just wasn't aware of it. Learning how communication fits into my life personally is very interesting. 


zamoradesign said...

I was also drawn to the belletristic study of rhetoric. The idea that this type of speaker should be, widely read and well educated; use clear, lively, and concise language; should speak in a natural and extemporaneous style, matching gestures and voice, painted a picture of a very interesting and engaging speaker. When I speak to students about my work, I would do well to model my presentation in this style.

Persiangirl said...

I completely agree, the different approaches to communication are very interesting. The approach that I found the most interesting was the psychological approach. This may be because I am a psychology major but I just feel as though understanding it in a scientific way is very important because of the fact that how people influence one another comes out whether it is verbally or nonverbally. I feel as though people are very influenced by one another and showing how a person can be influenced in a speech is important; just ask politicians. But I do feel as though all of the approaches are important because everyone responds differently to whichever of the approaches of communication affect them more.